Important Message for NJCU Students from Acting President Jason Kroll

July 6, 2022
NJCU students holding Hear My Voice T-Shirts at Orientation

Dear NJCU Students:

Last week was a difficult one for all of us, but one that we will come through together. The declaration of a financial crisis by the Board of Trustees and the resignation of Dr. Henderson raised questions and concerns across campus, and rightfully so. This is a complex situation driven, in part, by unprecedented global and national challenges. We will speak directly to those challenges in various forums in the weeks and months ahead.

For now, as Acting President, I would like our students to know you can be confident in your future at NJCU. The Board of Trustees, the University, and I are unequivocally committed to:

  • Fulfilling student financial aid and scholarships commitments now and in the future;
  • Providing exceptional academic advisement, counseling, and support services to ensure students can realize the completion of their degree at NJCU in a timely manner;
  • Maintaining extracurricular activities that make college life fun and fulfilling;
  • Our promise to provide an affordable pathway to a meaningful degree for all students, namely our first-generation college students; and
  • Hearing your voice and using it to inform decision making – the student experience will be our #1 priority.

These are our continued commitments to you. Today, you are on a most important journey. When completed at NJCU, you will have a springboard to achieve the dreams and goals you have for yourself and your family. It is THE most noble pursuit — one we admire and respect. NJCU will always be here to support you in this quest.

This will not be an easy time for the University. Be assured that we will make extraordinary efforts so NJCU, and your degree, emerge stronger and better than ever. My confidence is bolstered by hearing students, parents, and guardians at last week’s New Student Orientation express excitement about NJCU’s future. And, so many of your faculty and staff conveyed absolute dedication to you and this effort. There is no group of students that I would rather fight for than ours!

I will be dedicating time regularly to meet with students to foster open and transparent communications as the university enters a challenging moment in time. Please take part in this dialogue. Your voice is most important. 

With sincerity, respect, and admiration,

Jason Kroll
Acting President