
Photo of Hepburn hall exterior student exiting walking down stairs


香港六合彩资料图库 NJCU Surveys

NJCU engages in periodic internal and external surveys in order to gather information on experiences, attitudes, and perceptions of students, faculty, and staff. Results are used for assessment, planning, resource allocation, and goal setting.  The survey plan is depicted below (F=Fall, S=Spring)

Survey Participants 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Great Colleges Faculty, Staff   S     postponed
COACHE Faculty S        
NSSE Students S   S   postponed
香港六合彩资料图库 You Students F   F   S
Graduating Students S S S S S
Transfer Out Students F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S
Alumni Students         S

Remote Teaching and Learning. Results of the Spring 2020 survey related to COVID-19 and the transition to remote teaching and learning.

Summer 2020 Course Taking.  As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Summer 2020 session courses were online.  A survey of undergraduate and graduate students was conducted to explore preferences and reasons for summer course enrollment.

: NJCU began participating in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) in 2005, and Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) in 2013. Results are used at faculty meetings and goal planning. Presenting at the University Senate in 2014, the Provost set forth a goal that "students will say on student satisfaction surveys that a hallmark of NJCU is the rich interaction that occurs between students and faculty." Excerpts from findings:

: NJCU started its involvement with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) in 2013-2014 with the administration of the faculty job satisfaction survey. Results led to expansion of. Results of the 2017 administration of COACHE have been received and the Provost is currently reviewing them with faculty. 

Current Students: The University periodically surveys current students.  Past sruveys have gathered informatio on course scheduling, perceptions of student services, reasons for choosing NJCU, and perceived academic gains.  Results from the 2016 and 2018(undergraduate and graduate) administrations are being utilized by faculty and staff to improve the student experience.

Graduating Students: Each year, graduating students are asked to share information on their post-graduation plans. Trend results from 2017 through 2020 also include summaries of open-ended comments in 2020.

Great Colleges to Work for. In 2013, Human Resources sponsored NJCU鈥檚 participation in the Chronicle鈥檚 Great Colleges to Work for Survey.  led to the development of the STARS (Special Thanks and Recognition of Service) program. The University participated again in Spring 2018.  Results were presented in a and an town hall.  The town hall slides are also available.